We Want Your Writing.

translations of an ancient text

.           for Chris L. Butler


in the new world we still say jawn

.           {n.} as in the spot, {n.} the lick, {n.} the good good, {n.} the what i need
.          .          .           at this moment.

.           {v.} as in the words i forget
.          .          .           are special until i am holding them
.          .          .           again in my arms.


in the new world we still say we done…

.           {n.} as in inevitable.

.           {v.} as in never question
.          .          our mother’s capable hands.

.           {v.} as in the way she breaks
.          .          the chicken at the joint, severs the spine, always finds
.          .          enough meal for two meals in one split bone.


in the new world we retired the word {n.} cop, and {n.} {v.} police, and {n.} prison, and
{v.} remain silent, and {v.} silencing, a list of words we no longer need to govern
us, like {n.} government, or {n.} president, or {n.} whiteness.

in the new world we still say what’s gud, g?

.           {n.} as in hello my love
.          .          that i cannot name love in public.

.           {v.} as in i am here
.          .          for you to talk or not talk about it all.

.           {v.} as in let me unfold
.          .          the table of my palms and bring sweet fruit to your mouth.

.           {adj.} as in i’m choosing to ungroom this tongue
.          .          for you. blessed boy running from his own chalk shadow.

.           {adj.} as in i’m sorry i do not have more to spare.



jason b. crawford

jason bcrawford (they/them) was born in Washington DC and raised in Lansing, MI. Their debut collection, Year of the Unicorn Kidz,is out from Sundress Publications. They are currently an MFA in Poetry candidate at The New School.


jason bcrawford (they/them) was born in Washington DC and raised in Lansing, MI. Their debut collection, Year of the Unicorn Kidz, is out from Sundress Publications. They are currently an MFA in Poetry candidate at The New School.