My daughter will not be in school today.
Please excuse my daughter’s absence from class today because she will be
I am not well she is not well sick.
Please excuse my daughter from class today because she is sick. I will be taking her to the doctor. keeping her home. taking her to the doctor.
Please excuse my daughter from classes today because she is sick. I will be taking her to the doctor. If she has homework please send it home with her brother.
Please excuse my daughter and son from classes today because they are sick. I will be keeping them home.
My children were home sick today. Please send work home for the rest of the week.
To whom it may concern at Shepherd Elementary: My children and I are home. We are fine. Everything is fine. I don’t have any bruises. I wish I could ask you for their homework so they won’t fall behind in school. I can’t. I wish I could give you this note so my children won’t be marked absent from school. I’m scared. I need them at home.
To whom it may concern at Shepherd Elementary:
Please excuse my children from school this week. We are sick.

Kimberly Ann Priest
Kimberly Ann Priest Kimberly Ann Priest is the author of Slaughter the One Bird, Sundress (forthcoming 2021), Still Life, a finalist of the the PANk Little Books contest (forthcoming 2020), Parrot Flower, Glass Poetry Press (forthcoming 2020) and White Goat Black Sheep, Finishing Line Press. Winner of a 2019 Heartland Poetry Prize from New American Press, her work has appeared in The Laurel Review, The Berkeley Poetry Review, The New Delta Review and others. A New England College MFA program graduate, she is an assistant professor at MSU, and associate poetry editor for the Nimrod International Journal of Prose and Poetry. You can find her at