We Want Your Writing.

because horse is the closest i can get to it

          after Jack Gilbert

the horse in my mind knows the moon
well enough to not need to speak to it

when i try to talk to horses i watch their feet
aware of their weight i try to feel my own

a horse knows when you don’t know
where your own two feet are

picture both of us running
so fast my mind could quiet


Patrycja Humienik

Patrycja Humienik, daughter of Polish immigrants, is a writer and performer based in Seattle, WA. Her poetry is featured/forthcoming in Ninth LetterSoutheast ReviewPassages NorthBOAATPoetry Northwest, and elsewhere. She is working on her first book,Anchor Baby. Find Patrycja on twitter @jej_sen.


Patrycja Humienik, daughter of Polish immigrants, is a writer and performer based in Seattle, WA. Her poetry is featured/forthcoming in Ninth LetterSoutheast ReviewPassages NorthBOAATPoetry Northwest, and elsewhere. She is working on her first book, Anchor Baby. Find Patrycja on twitter @jej_sen.