Dear Readers and Writers,
I’ve been thinking (and writing) a lot lately about normativity––what it is to be nudged into line, to be “corrected” toward an expected or approved path. What it is to question things-as-they-have-always-been. And what it is to resist.
Imagination, artistry, and invention tend to veer from the straight and narrow. When asked what I look for in a piece of writing, I rarely have a good answer––but I find that curiosity and courage are often good places to start.
The pieces in this issue are defined by risk, wonder, and often deviance. From Satya Dash’s advocacy of the unknown to Sydell Rosenberg’s sense of discovery, Jessica Yen’s reframing of normalcy to Rebecca Jamieson’s mapping of what’s “not right,” I hope you’ll find yourself inspired, challenged, and surprised. I hope you’ll experience––as the extraordinary team of volunteers at The Maine Review has in the building of this issue––the capacity of literature to help us reenvision what’s possible. It is my hope for us, and for our communities, that we’ll be curious, and that we’ll be brave.
Enjoy reading (and writing), and thank you for being a member of our community at The Maine Review.
–A. J. Bermudez, Editor of The Maine Review